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Leaders from Autonomous Region Education Department Praised Liuzhou Vocational & Technical College

Updated:2018-04-13 14:49|Hits:

Report from News Network (Written by Shi Yudan from Propaganda Department of Party Committee; photographed by Zhu Jing from Propaganda Department of Party Committee) In the morning of March 9, 2018, Tang Xianjin, secretary of College Working Committee of the Autonomous Region, party secretary and director of the Education Department, and his team visited our Guantang campus.

At about 11:00 in the morning, the inspection group including more than 10 persons led by Tang Xianjin first visited the training center of industrial robots. Vice President Lin Ruosen explained for the inspection group. Subsequently, the inspection group visited the factory in school -- LVTC Machinery Factory. The roar of production and operation of machines echoed in the spacious workshop of 4,800 square meters, like a modern factory. As introduced by Lin, LVTC Machinery Factory also shouldered the tasks production and students’ hands-on practice. Students practice and follow with workers here, which plays an active role in the education to enhance the quality control awareness, professional quality and behavioral habits of students; in 2017, the factory processed over 50,000 parts for enterprises at all levels and in all types such as ZF Friedrichshafen AG, Liugong Group, Liuzhou Automobile Fangsheng Axle, Fuzhen Company and Liuzhou Changhong. The factory has produced and completed the quality inspection of all taper reduction sleeves and adapter sleeves for some large machinery sold by Liugong Group in Indian market. The factory also participated in the manufacture of molds for the 12-ton hydraulic torque converter of Liuzhou Group, which was broadcast in a feature program titled “The Pillars of a Great Power” of CCTV.

The “Internet-based Intelligent Detection System for Automotive Sheet Metal Parts” developed by Liang Yun, a teacher of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering School, attracted the attention of visitors. Sheet metal parts are part of vehicle body. Each vehicle has at least hundreds of different sheet metal parts. So the quality of sheet metal parts will directly affect the safety of vehicles, the quality of finished vehicles and the takt time of automobile factories. This system can realize flexible detection, reduce the development of manual and special checking fixtures, shorten the production cycle, improve the yield, reduce the cost, improve the detection efficiency and accuracy and realize intelligent detection, with high practical and market value. Purchase orders have been received and for which national patent has been applied.

The inspection team then visited the integrated service center. After listening to President Shi Lingming’s briefing about the construction of the new campus, the internationalization of school running and the “one-stop” service center, Tang Xianjin spoke to his team members,This is the ‘Processing Center’ for school management.  It can be promoted as a good experience to the basic education schools!”

The inspection group then walked to the Global Customer Experience Center and listened carefully to the introduction of achievements about Liugong Group - LVTC India Subcenter, Saudi Arabia Catani College, international output of education and teaching standards, the school accompanying the enterprises in “Go Out” and serving for the Belt and Road Initiative, so that they had a comprehensive and clear understanding of LVTC in international school-running and other efforts.

This tour to LVTC is a visit and inspection activity of Education Department to implement the spirit of “the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China” to further understand the relevant situations of the educational reform and development in the autonomous region. It focused on inspecting the situation at the beginning of the spring term, and the related aspects of basic education, vocational education and the building of teaching capacity.

Li Yongqi, director of the Education Department Office of the autonomous region, Luo Suo, director of the Basic Education Division, Chen Biaozhi, director of the Infrastructure Division and Huang Mingyu, deputy director of the Teachers Work Division from the Education Department of the autonomous region; Jiao Yaoguang, member of Standing Committee of Liuzhou, director of Propaganda Department and deputy mayor, Wei Songling, deputy secretary general of the Municipal Government, Yao Yinyi, party group secretary of the Municipal Education Bureau, and Zhou Haiyan, head of Vocational and Adult Education Section of the Municipal Education Bureau; Zhu Weicai, secretary of the Party Committee of LVTC, Shi Lingming, president of LVTC, Yang Yi, Lin Ruosen and Qu Fan, vice presidents of LVTC accompanied the inspection.


Visiting the Robot Training Center



Visiting the Global Customer Experience Center