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Report of Good News: Our College has been Honored with Excellent Employment and Entrepreneurship School of Graduates in the Autonomous Region in 17 Consecutive Years

Updated:2018-01-03 17:42|Hits:

News Web (Text by Zhang Bin and Wei Lina from Employment Office, Photo by Zhang Bin from Employment Office). On Dec. 20, 2017, a meeting on employment and entrepreneurship for college graduates in the whole region was held in Nanning. Mr. Mo Shipu, the Secretary of Working Committee of Colleges, Director of Education Department and Party Secretary of the Autonomous Region, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Besides, some leaders of colleges who take charge of employment and principals of employment departments of colleges also attended the meeting. Our Vice-president, Mr. Lin Ruosen, and leaders of Employment Office attended the meeting.

In the meeting, the employment and entrepreneurship of graduates in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in 2017 is summarized, and the task of employment and entrepreneurship in 2018 is deployed. Besides, the colleges which are honored with Excellent Employment and Entrepreneurship School of Graduates in 2017 are commended. After assessment according to relevant indexes for employment and entrepreneurship of regular colleges and universities in the whole region in 2017, our College wins the title of “Excellent Employment and Entrepreneurship School of Graduates in 2017”. In the whole region, 40 colleges and universities win the title. Our College has won the title in 17 consecutive years since 2001. The honor fully affirms our achievements in employment and entrepreneurship of graduates in 2017.

In 2017, under the correct leadership of the region and our College, our employment and entrepreneurship working personnel at all levels work hard, unite as one and jointly create a good situation for employment and entrepreneurship.

Good Employment Situation

In 2017, our graduates were 3227. By July 25, 2017, the employed graduates were 2990. The initial employment rate of graduates in 2017 was 92.66% which was higher than that of the district (91.74%) and was basically the same with that in the same period in 2016. The main employment region was Guangxi. The graduates who worked in Guangxi accounted for 70.5% of total employed graduates in 2017. The graduates who worked in Liuzhou almost accounted for half of total employed graduates, i.e. 49.4%. The graduates who worked in the Pearl River Delta region accounted for about one third, i.e. 25.98%. Viewing from the distribution of employment enterprises of graduates, private enterprises were main employers of graduates. The graduates who were employed by private enterprises accounted for 81.65% of total employed graduates. The secondary employers were state-owned enterprises which accounted for 10.2%.

Solid and Effective Development of Poor College Students Helping

All along, our College has attached great importance to the employment helping of graduates who were registered and listed in the card. According to the requirement of higher authority, our College formulated relevant supporting documents, established the special work leadership group, set up the special fund, enhanced the process supervision, implemented the objective management, helped level by level and carried out the target recommendation, tracking and various services. Among the graduates in 2017, 600 graduates were from poor families and were registered and listed in the card, accounting for 18.59% of total graduates. 558 graduates among poor graduates were employed after graduation with the employment rate up to 93% which was higher than the average employment rate of the college. The unemployed helping objects were recommended for 3 times. The College recorded according to relevant requirements and effectively finished the recommended helping of graduates who were registered and listed in the card. 

Building of Excellent Employment Platform and Improving of Employment Service Quality

In order to broaden the employment market for graduates, build a good employment recommendation platform and improve the quality of employment, our College has persisted in the thought of “go out and introduce in”. In aspect of employment market, the College cooperated with the Guangxi Talent Market Liuzhou Sub-market first time. Both parties jointly held the school and enterprise meeting for employment. More than 30 enterprises attended the meeting. We received the government-school-enterprise delegation of Guangdong Zhuhai Xiangzhou District to negotiate the cooperation matters, which greatly enlarged the employment market of graduates. Our College also appointed persons to Dongguan, Guangzhou, Lanzhou and other cities to take part in the large school and enterprise meetings for the purpose of giving publicity and recommending our graduate information and absorbing more excellent enterprises to our College for recruiting. Our College appointed persons to investigate more than 100 enterprises in the Pearl River Delta many times, such as FOXCONN and Baosteel Zhanjiang Iron & Steel Co. Ltd. and actively maintained and expanded the employment market. In aspect of campus recruitment service, our College developed the recommendation for employment in multi-channel and multi-approach. Our College organized small, middle and large two-way selection fairs for graduates in 2017. The job fairs totally provided 9800 jobs. Besides, our College held 254 small job fairs which provided 8200 jobs. The proportion of graduates to jobs is 1: 5.57. We greatly meet the demand on job. We published more than 330 pieces of employment information on our employment website for graduates in 2017. 

Improvement of Employment Quality by Training

In order to help graduates to set up a correct, scientific and rational concept of employment and career selection and help graduates for successful career selection, employment and entrepreneurship, our College held 83 career talks at the level of college and class. We invited Mr. Wu Guibin, the associate research fellow of Career Center of the region, to make a lecture “Employment Trend and Employment Entrepreneurship Policy for Graduates in Guangxi” for instructors and some students of graduating classes. Besides, we invited Mr. Li Guorui, the national employment and entrepreneurship lecturer of Guangxi talent web, to give the career talk “Know Yourself, Adjust Your Mental State, and Meet the Challenge of Employment” for the purpose of guiding the graduates to build the correct concept of employment and career selection. 

In order to fully improve the employment work quality and graduate employment quality, the College has attached great importance to training of the employment work persons and improvement of their working abilities. In 2017, our College appointed 15 second-level employment work persons to attend “the Twelfth Session of Training Class for Vocational Qualification of Career Guidance Persons in Colleges and Universities” in Nanning and “National College and University Employment Guidance Person (Intermediate) Class” in Enshi, Hubei to improve the professionalization and specialization of employment work team members so as to improve the employment service quality.

Remarkable Achievements in Entrepreneurship

Our College is one of the earliest colleges and universities which set the course of employment guidance. The excellent national course “Employment and Entrepreneurship” was upgraded and reformed in 2013, has become the resource sharing course of Chinese universities and was launched on the website of iCourse of Ministry of Education.

On the basis of fixed training institution of Liuzhou SIYB Training Project, we introduced the “undergraduate KAB entrepreneurship education” promoted by International Labour Organization, Youth League Central Committee and ACYF and set up an undergraduate KAB entrepreneurship education club. The undergraduate KAB entrepreneurship education was the public elective course and was assigned with 37 teachers, including 1 undergraduate KAB entrepreneurship trainer and 14 entrepreneurship lecturers. At present, among 5 core lecturers of the national excellent course “Employment and Entrepreneurship”, 2 lecturers are professors, 3 lecturers are associate professors and 4 lecturers have the master's degree. In recent years, they have totally published more than 100 papers and have edited or participated in editing of 7 teaching materials, and presided and participated in more than 60 scientific research subjects at provincial or above level. From 2006 to now, more than 30,000 students received the employment and entrepreneurship education. More than 3000 students made their entrepreneurship plans. Many students were active in entrepreneurship. In June 2016, Zhang Lisheng, Chen Hean, Wei Chunyan, Zhu Dinglong, Lin Nantian, Pang Fengquan, Su Peng, Yu Zhenxing and Xuan Meiyuan took part in “Learning and Entrepreneurship Cup” National Undergraduate Entrepreneurship Comprehensive Simulation Competition and won the first prize. In August, 2016, the student association Boao Machinery Association took part in 2016 “Challenge Cup- Rainbow Life” National Vocational School Innovation, Creation and Entrepreneurship Competition and won the second prize. In August, 2016, Wu Yajing took part in Creative Design Competition of 2016 “Challenge Cup- Rainbow Life” National Vocational School Innovation, Creation and Entrepreneurship Competition and won the third prize and in September, 2016, took part in “Create youth” Entrepreneurship Competition Entrepreneurial Practice Challenge and won the bronze award. In September 2016, Wei Chunyan, Pang Fengquan and Su Peng took part in National Undergraduate Entrepreneurship Comprehensive Simulation Competition (sand table contest) and won the special prize. In November 2016, Wen Lianjun took part in 2016 Chinese undergraduate Micro entrepreneurship competition and won the gold award. In June 2017, Pang Fengquan, Wang Dingyu and Su Peng took part in 2017 “Learning and Entrepreneurship Cup” National Undergraduate Entrepreneurship Comprehensive Simulation Competition-Guangxi competition and won the first prize.

Our innovation and entrepreneurship education has 10 years history which includes the start stage of survival type entrepreneurship education SIYB entrepreneurship project, the stage of introducing the KAB project, focusing on cultivation of entrepreneurship awareness and cultivating the entrepreneurship talents with entrepreneurial spirit and accomplishment, high quality and rich skill, the stage of focusing on the public welfare entrepreneurship and social responsibility and focusing on cultivation of social entrepreneurial spirit and the stage of forming the internationalized, modernized, stereoscopic and characteristic entrepreneurship education and focusing on creation, innovation, efficiency improvement, thought creation and behavior innovation. We have obtained excellent achievements in organization and development of innovation and entrepreneurship work, practical exploration of innovation and entrepreneurship education, cultivation and exploration of innovation ability, organization and development of entrepreneurship practical training experiment, guarantee of innovation and entrepreneurship service and summarization of innovation and entrepreneurship results.

Over the past 10 years, relying on the characteristic “interact the production and learning, and serve the local place”, with the transformation and upgrading of innovation and entrepreneurship service industry of our College and the demand of social development, we determined the students' training goal as the training of “quality, management and innovation” compound technical skill talents. All majors, based on the general orientation, systematically designed the “two-dimensional” course system, practice teaching system and innovation and entrepreneurship course system and formed the education system which lays equal emphasis of innovation and entrepreneurship and combines innovation and entrepreneurship in the whole talent training process. Our employment and entrepreneurship achievements come out in front. On December 16, 2016, in “International Innovation and Entrepreneurship Fair” and recommendation activity of “2016 Demonstration Innovation and Entrepreneurship Higher Vocational Schools” held in Beijing, our College was listed in Demonstration Innovation Higher Vocational Schools and was ranked among top 50 “Demonstration Innovation and Entrepreneurship Higher Vocational Schools”. Our College has attracted wide attention in the field.

Our employment and entrepreneurship work in 2017 is fully affirmed. In the coming 2018, employment and entrepreneurship work will become a new start point. Our College will continue to profoundly learn and implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress and 2018 regular graduate employment and entrepreneurship work video conference, take the improvement of graduates employment and entrepreneurship service level and quality as objectives, recognize the situation, deepen the reform and strengthen the efforts in employment helping, promote the multi-channel employment and entrepreneurship and comprehensively improve the employment and entrepreneurship quality of graduates.



Mr. Lin Ruosen, the Vice-president, and Mr. Zhang Bin, the Vice-director of employment office are attending the meeting.


Mr. Lin Ruosen, the Vice-president (the second from the right side), is receiving the plaque.


Our College has won the honor in 17 consecutive years